OMG I want details but don't tell no one.
Welcome to group. We aren't the most active but as Rubius stated we are just in the infancy stages. We will be a more active group and will do...
Do you know how sillly this sounds? How can you tell how much fun a game is from watching a video? Please let me know ? I've seen the videos that...
You've found the perfect home man. Congrats on the MD BTW and welcome to XoO
Good Old Savage. It's sad when you have great products like this that are overlooked while shit game likes MW2 are massed produced. I remember...
I usually don't watch any animes of this catergory but I'll check it out.
I do know this person but we should follow procedures for now. You making the right move. I know Ramon will be with us till the end. Thanks for...
Sweet welcome if you know any others that are interested in joining send them our way.
Welcome Kirkdar. Make sure you send Viciousdsxx an friend request in-game and he will send you a guild invite. Welcome to XoO. ACCEPTED
Welcome to XoO officially bro. Glad to have you in our AoC division. I know you'll have a long future with XoO in future endeavors and we're all...
Welcome to the group Nitras. We're glad to have it you as apart of the team. If you know anyone else who might be interested in joining the group...
We currently don't have a user group for AoC but I will to get it in place.
Reineir did you message this person in game?
This is cool. Whoever makes the video has to be good.
Sounds like a good plan, but we need to make sure there are rewards to be give. What is our member count right now. I'll be playing actively but...
I would say we should bring them in then have the full out an application, leave application part their responsibility to be come a full member....
Thats because our guild SUCKED!
What happened it seemed like there were more Xbox owners on here now I'm seeing more PS3. Well I guess I'll have to go buy another PS3 and cop...
^^ Yep that's it.