I'm down for whatever XoO picks. have enjoyed playing with everyone from xoo so far. Have missed the meetings about starwars so far, as ive been...
Hey, just wondering if theres going to be a Xen pressence on APB. I pre ordered it today, and was wondering if anyone else has. If so, what server...
I got to post on here. I am a huge hockey fan, my team is the Flames, as I was born and raised there, but live in B.C. now. Really dissapointed...
well fuck. I cant get my computer cause it only ships to the US, unless I ship it to my buddy in Seatle and he ships it to me. Company does not...
Yes and no, like I said, I've looked around at the prebuilds from the big suppliers like Dell and crap like that, but nothing close. I have heard...
Yea I think im just going to go for it. Thanks for the help Seven
Thanks a lot. I do like the looks of the first one, just trying to decide if I want to go over budget or not. Once I add shipping and convert it...
Sweet, thanks a lot! I know, I am quite overdue for an upgrade.
Wondering if I could get a hand. I am looking to spend around $2,000.00 on a new laptop. I currently have an alienware from before the Dell...
Yea, I figured as much. So laptop it is. hahaha
I got a question. I am a complete nublette when it comes to building. I understand the basics, but in the past I have had friends help me, or my...
Not to stir the pot, and it might have been a moot point anyways, but what the hell was that pass interferance in overtime? There was no way he...
k, thanks for the heads up. The pvp aspect of it is what I was wondering about the most, like you said the fact that its even still going says...
Does anyone play this, or has anyone played it for any length of time? or is it just so terrible no one wants to touch it. Didnt see anything...
Yea I want to get on this game and ride it into the sunset
I will will play. New to XoO but love it so far. So far only warhammer, but I hope to join in on some other games as well, and SC2 would be a...
New Members: Q. How old are you? A. 26, almost 27 __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. Played a lot of WAR, WoW, TF2, all...