Yea ya
Xamiazi do i need to make an application for Aion Us too?
Was wondering if you can make me a animated profile avatar. I want a picture of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto anime with my name passing through it...
Dude this is awesome spinn very nice if you have time can you please design me one. Awesome work keep it up
Im new to the site but Welcome back dude.
Well i can use some shooting game to take off some stress from work and other lol. Ill stop by a store and buy one sometime this week and join yall :)
Can i still apply for the Beta Testing or it is to late now
ATM im playing Aion dont really like to play alot of games at the same time, just want to concentrate in one game because i only got 35 hours a...
Im on server Zikel too bro. It would be nice if i can play and get to know you guys.
I controlled machine (Operation Tech)
Automated Company using mechanical hands to do a human job lol
1. Age (18+ Requirement): I'm turning 24 in September 2. In-Game Name: Will be ARCSOFT 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: Will have to get...