I approximate 3.25 boatloads of money were it made.
So Extended Cut supposedly comes out today lets all cross our fingers.
usoundmadbro. And I'd be willing to bet you're wrong seeing as they're developing for console first now.
As does anything with peppershaker involved
those things cost like 1 mil max, who cares. Honestly they could do with some housekeeping.
Sorry to say it, but we've pretty much stopped raiding at this point. That and Sargeras horde is pretty bad to xfer into.
I don't really care who my bombs hit, as long as PlayStation buyers rage when they get annihilated by them.
Good luck porting eve online to PSN
I will enjoy bombing you losers from orbit
Gonna say it right now, Elder Scrolls doesn't transfer well to online play
I see your MLP and maintain Tali
Is it bad that I already want to have the whole series even though we're 3 episodes in?
Cause they're canadian, don't you know they all have a stash of gay porn?
Yeah but it's more fun this way
TERA (NA) ApplicationHow old are you? 19 In-Game Name? Eillwyna Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Ranger Why...
Can't artillery your own units. Worst thing since removal of iron legion for guard.
Awww and here I was hoping they would both sue each other and we would get to watch.
I'm a both, and a I can personally vouch for a space marine wiping out an entire squad of guardsmen without taking a scratch. They have about a...