It looked interesting but I don't know about it, think I will wait till its FtP or for the new civ game starships to come out.
I got the game this weekend and it hasn't failed to disappoint I have had so much fun already with it.
Ya it won't be for everyone as the combat is slower paced but for anyone that is a fan of age of sail ships and combat it looks really good.
[MEDIA] This game looks good and the level of detail in an beta test in very nice. It says it will also have a large open world persistent...
Anyone paying attention to this game or have any thoughts on it, it looks pretty but a little worried about the possibility of a wicked grind and...
and Enigma I am down to play with you since I have just been playing by myself lately since I got put on nights.
I thought most of the updates were completed yesterday. I know that Breaking point was weird since Monday but today when I logged on just to check...
Have you guys gotten together and played this yet? Unfortunately I am working nights this month so I will miss you guys most weeknights because I...
So last night I finally got my outlaw out of the negatives and finally got him back to being an outlaw. The way I did it was so epic. I spotted...
oh really? I wonder what they did, I enjoy playing paratroops though regardless of the side. The tanks are also fun.
I think they need to add in bicycles quickly, bicycles were awesome in some of the mod servers I played on and they could put a lot of them on the...
The great thing about the arma series is all the mods for it, The game has so much utility regardless how much you buy it for. you can play...
I think I was talking to Dullard on Sunday in the FPS channel and he started to update it, so hopefully we will have some people to play it but am...
So I started playing this about a week ago and have found it fun so far. Its all the fun (and walking) of DayZ but with the extra polish of Arma 3...
Must have changed since I was playing a few months ago because the germans seemed to win every campaign.
are you guys still playing this, I am not very high on the germans, but I am a paratrooper and some other things on the americans.
Anyone planning on playing another multiplayer game this weekend?
Heavy armor is where I want to be!!! hope they let me pre purchase that lol, and I hope you can't pilot a ship in it so not everyone and there...
I was actually just thinking about a similar scenario, as a highly skilled marine in full armor :D it would be awesome to be jettisoned out an air...
I will miss the one tomorrow but hopefully I can get in a game with your guys on sunday