Wow... and here I thought they just legallized steroids in space.
The only reason why Natal is on my radar is because it's not a stick I wave around like a idiot. It actually captures your body heat and can tell...
ah, yeh I don't play the tabletop because I don't have the money lol.
6 Days till E3!!!! I've never been so excited for E3 in a long time. This is the first time where I'm actually gonna make some time for watching...
DOTDOTDOTDOTDOTelipseselipseselipses Everything I know is wrong! What book has all this ? I've been reading horus heressy. On the first book right...
WOW that picture brings back memories! I remember playing as a female dwarf in Lineage. It's where I started my mmo legacy :P and Rollen became my...
wwwwhhaaaaattttt daaaa fuckkkkk. I did not know space marines were zombies. this changes everything.
So now LoTR sucks because it is F2P. Because we all know that all F2P games are not worth our time or even a glance at. :happy: Especially with...
I know! Grade school averages would actually be normal :o
I want to be a Spess Mehreen super organs sound fun
yeah it's a pretty beastly game and get this theres a potion system where if your trying to chug down a potion while running you actually spill...
New updates to Mab Heroes KYGSEoIB-TY They are almost ready for beta testing in NA they have already started preparations so there should be some...
Here's some Hi-Def pics of character customization....
They made money off trademarked stuff. Basically it's like if I started selling shirts with Warhammer trademarks on them to fans. Except with... [IMG] Thanks to...
get the add on why so slow :P
7YryL6U0AnQ One of the dynamic armor examples. If you skip to the start of the polar bear fight ( which is amazingly animated ) the main...
As much as WAR missed the ball I had a lot more fun and great moments in it then in Aion and played it for almost a year entirely even collected...
That's funny because I've had the same "Wtf" moments for P2P games which is worse because I end up losing money. In Aion was the biggest WTF...
OKVd53Pi2cQ This one has a caster playing and you can see one of the character throwing stuff butt naked. Obviously he failed at defending...