As soon as I saw the thunder hammer I wet myself. I think I saw some Grey Knights in there as well
cWTwg7ZvEBc On the very edge of the galaxy lies the Sargos Sector. For centuries it was rendered uninhabitable and isolated by volatile Warp... OMG OMG OMG THE TRAILER!!...
kinectmils was ... was.. .wow.... lol so akward especially when the girl starts Rping and pretends to be licked. I can't tell who was the better...
ewww i thought they were going to be more mature about the whole motion capture stuff but it's as i feared a copy cat of wii =/
damn it valve... i was hoping to see HL:E3 and P2... and supposedly a new project they started.
no but watch this site for close updates they'll be posting all war40k related game releases during E3.
I feel like I'm gonna be the N64 kid when I see this trailer "ITS WARHAMMER 40KKKKK!!!!!!! TITANS!!!!!"
First time I've heard that but could be true. Only thing that I've heard about the game's multiplayer aspect is that it is going to focus more on...
But Sega's got what Nintendon't!!!
Wow sega has potentially made a good game? That fast pacedness looks epicly fun. I'll get it for my 360, it looks like a MGS on crack with some...
MybJ7CfEYTQ Game I'm waiting to see at E3 as well. It's due to release this year Q2 but I doubt it since Q2 is just about to end in a few...
Why do you keep saying One love, why not just put it into your sig. YOUS TROLLEN!! Tri Love, Jimbo
OH snap no you didnt! BTW this isn't a Natal thread you guys can talk about something other then natal xD.
now i can see why SM would be a controversy topic on whether they should be playable in the MMO :P I can already see some crazy balancing issues.
OMG HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA OMG I CAN't BREATHE HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Watching these people play has been the best laugh I've had all week. I'm sure we're...
I would love to see a spess mehreen go up against care bears then xoo xD
lmfao What the fuck. it sounds like they can crush some one's spine by just poking it. I never knew all the details about a astartes but now its wow.
LOL what?
yeah 2011/2012 it's been in development since 2007 and it's finally gonna get some public appearance besides some concept art at E3. Like Teaser...