I'll do the other hammer war if need be and I also have the skills for any of the ele's should the situation arise.
When was the last time you played it? They've made numerous balancing, performance, and content changes, and will continue to do so until the...
I've been playing it quite a bit lately, it really is amazing. The dev team has fixed a lot within the last few patches, so it's most certainly...
I'm surprised nobody has posted about this game yet. Unique Sides Whether you play as one of the elite marine Frontiersmen or the vicious alien...
I was having some problems with my first boot. I spent about 3 total hours to get everything installed and plugged in and when I tried to start...
Finished the Build, here she is:
I ended up buying that one too :)
Ordered all my parts over the weekend. I begin my build on Friday (°□°)
Oh snap, I just thought of something. Something so important I don't know how I didn't ask about this to begin with. What brand/type of monitor...
You should at least give it a try, I'm pretty sure you can find a used copy at Gamestop for like $30. I haven't made it to Lord Gwyn (Last Boss)...
Epic Boss fights, super in-depth character customization, unlimited re-playability (Max level is 745!). VERY challenging but it makes it that...
Looks sick! I'm always down for a good music festival, I can't even imagine one on the coasts of New Zealand
z2An0fuHW8E This is what I listen to when I PvP
Well, my rig is set to go! Going to wait a week or two to see if i can get a Phenom II x6 1090T on newegg for a good price and then I'll start a...