Fuck yeah, Firefall. I hope that game does well.
Dude, the themepark area was awesome to me, and the writing was tons of fun (Rick Remender, wooooot). Then the bigass monster shows up in the REAL...
Finished downloading Bulletstorm today. Installed it. Cracked it. Played it for six hours total on normal. Beat it a couple minutes ago. Want...
I'm downloading it now...
I like their philosophy, but I don't know if it's possible to actually rise above all the crap FPS nowadays. We'll see, and I might pay to keep...
I use ABP alone. NoScript breaks too many things that I use as a professional. I guess if you don't run websites, or do web design, or have a real...
I've never played Planetside, but I'm excited for Planetside Next...or whatever the fuck it's going to be named. Hopefully it's not a pile of...
Bungie can't do anything related to Halo, it's not their IP anymore. So any MMOFPS they make would have to have new, hopefully interesting, lore....
Sent you a PM about that.
Fuck why NM? Shitty state. ;_;
I might make it, but I'm normally working all day on Saturday and Sunday, so no guarantee. :3
I've been playing the game story mode and I've gotta say...it's not as good as I had hoped it would be. Some polish will do it good, but I fear...
It's real. You can find it yourself. PR stunt or actual faux pas? http://www.ea.com/crysis-2/blog/crysis-leak
Shitty bowl. The Groupon commercial is GOD TIER TROLLAN. Fuck the haters.
Looks interesting, but I'd expect more people to flip their shit and start crying if it was real. I mean Jesus, it's a holy site and a glowing...
Sweet. I've always wanted to get into Battle Angel but never had the time.
You all know the truth. It's buried deep, but you can't hide it. This little baby will cost only... FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE YOU ESS DORRAS....
If they don't already have everything planned out, it's not likely they'll go now. These things ought to be planned well in advance.
Well yes...but who the hell goes by the rules? :P Also, ArcheAgeSource hit 500 members.
Yes. Also, new news: Closed Beta 3 in March/April. Open Beta in November.