I got him in TS. and did his interveiw! Doing TS intergration and User-group
youre in channel with me in TS let me know when youre back youll keep getting kicked when AFK so if you do again just join back again
Yay we did it!!! Cant wait for gathering and fishing bonuses! Also thanks to everyone whoever helped on a late night centaur, waragon, or...
Most contributive member of 2016(list up to 8) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to...
TS Info sent
I'm with Ironjaw. except toast.
TS Info sent. Getting into Team Speak to do an interveiw.
I got him TS info and did interview and TS intergration
I know ya in guild but did you get TS info and INterveiw?
Obviously @Ironjaw
No I meant when fore mentioned hooker army comes into a reality I will leave BDO to become part of said army. No but for real, I'll be there.
yeahhh we got him
Sent TS info gunna go afk for like 30 minutes but Ill be back. So just shoot me a message in game then and Ill get you in for an interveiw.
If Dark has a hooker armor I'll leave BDO
Has Joined TS and been interviewed, integrated, and joined user group. Will get him in guild in game tomorrow
Sweet! I'll send you the TS info and we can get you in here and interviewed and see what ya think.
yeahhh I got her totally fukin forgot to post that
I can do it
Interviewed, TS inter, and in user group
Interviewed, applied to user group and TS integrated