I think its going to be far more political than people are expecting. It's a definite allusion to the Palestinian situation and South African...
Hahaha, we used to play serious sam 2 at LAN parties. Always a good time.
Only way I can think of is to make a copy of your C:\users\<yourname> folder and then copy it back over to the new install. The hidden folder...
Good news. Tron is a cult classic.
I'm not so sure. This was my fave book as a kid and I fear the movie will ruin my memories of it. Perhaps I'll just not watch it. But it does...
lol, I forgot to put my guess in my post. June 8
Because these companies make a substantial profit by banking and investing your preorder payments. Why should they make extra money with your...
Gamestop is notorious for implying or making up release dates to generate more pre-sales. People who pay money a year before a game comes out are...
It's still better than the ~2000 I paid for a Pentium Pro... :p
This sucks, why do they always have to make it difficult. A lot of people are skipping Vista waiting for Win 7, so this is a 'fuck you' to them...
hahaha, nice find.
I nominate him for the DERP award!!!! [IMG]
I'm in too, that video sold me on it. :D
They can't afford a lawyer. I'm more scared of the ones who text while they drive.
I remember trying out a beta build of MechWarrior 3 using a virtual headset at the first E3. I thought that was the coolest thing at the...
Did you post it before? No? Then STFU.
My understanding is that its not really a new game, but a remake of the popular BF 1942. It's also a Live Arcade title on the XBox, which implies...
Another merger in the video games industry. These are two of the most talented developers around right now. Interesting to note, Bethesda...
Sweeeet! I'm overheating just thinking about it. :D
You get to play a realistic computer simulation of the historic battle from a hidden bunker in the Capital Wasteland. OA is probably the weakest...