*sits back and relaxes* Yep I got blackwolf doing my work now.. he's my bitch!
Massively Multiplayer to me is playing with everyone.. Not these small pathetic pussy ass battles where only what 50 people can be on one shard at...
That sucks I hope they don't go the route of GW.. I prolly won't play it then.. Maybe as long as they don't call it an MMO after since its not.
stay away from plasma..
Damn was planning on going down there the 6th.. just remembered have fantasy football draft..
no i think that spells buttshynemyselfasheni!
Some might consider you crazy answering yourself.
Yea I'm in the same boat.. I used to be up to date.. but its been many years now since I've looked at parts.. (Still using a 6800 and got 2 of...
lmao thats just ridiculous.
What you didn't know turtles were deadly? [IMG] Sigh where have you been?
Hmmm never heard of any of those bands but might make an appearance.
shit you just said what i do everyday... creepy..
I'll tell you the ending.. i step in with my awesome power and stop everything. Oh the end..