NOO! FUCK YOU BOONDOCK SAINTS 2! Why fuck with a good thing! Well I'll see it of course but I believe I will probably taking a shit on the dvd...
I give 3 damnit!
Thats exactly what I wanted thanks I'm stealing this!
Maybe true.. but Kanye is always doing this arrogant shit so.. hes still a dbag..
LOL yea that was part of our topic on our show tonight.. such a disrespectful dick.. he finally apologized today to her after she said he never...
thats pimp.. you have the addy to the picture?
I dunno if you say it out loud.. not sure how you pronounce it but could be Her Rack - Herak.. So you could of been thinking of that when getting...
LOL Cox I think you play for the other team sir... two movies you name off that have him and are for chicks... tsk tsk.. Why was there no such...
Never had the chance to really play with you but there is no need to just up and leave XoO.. Not sure on the rules but I would think if we don't...
Well he had pancreatic cancer... and well you can't survive it no matter how hard you try. Kinda surprised he went in his first year of finding...
Kinda sucks he did some pretty good movies.. but he was on my deathlist so I must say Cha Ching!
That was good.. Like to see what the women think of this but I must say its freaking true!
Yes a few burns here and there.. Was he still able to do normal life shit? Yes. I'm sorry but committing suicide is pathetic and I won't be one...
Can't comment on the music.. but this guy doesn't deserve a RIP.. mother fucker survives a plane crash with nothing really wrong with him and then...
Back in EQ was making a new character... I asked some girl in the guild that I was in what I should call myself.. She came up with Burnt Toast.....
I think in reality he only said that because he didn't know how much shit cost seems like its his first time going about this. If I'm wrong I...
You can use a dual core, 260 vid card and 2-4 gigs of ram for 3+ years easily and spend 600-700
Sogetsu you kill yourself not having any sound card.. On board sound sucks horribly bad they might not be as bad on the systems these days but...
People still use MACs? Really that many graphics people? Pfft..
If WoW is your only game.. You might not like this game.. Hopefully you have played in some of the betas..