I'm all for competition but wish it'd be buy from such and such company that you like to shop from and choose which special you'd want.. Not have...
Uh yea.. Vampires would go to Buffy.. DUH! But in all seriousness.. Underworld does have awesome vampires.. but I would rather watch The Lost...
So pretty much an instanced game? Sigh...................
Drugs are bad.. If she didn't die from drugs I'd be surprised.
Donnie Darko Green Street Hooligans Superbad
There's a Christmas tree? Bullshit..
What part? WoW killing MMORPGs? or LoTRO's Monster system sucking on the ballsack?
Wow.. If WoW wasn't bad enough to kill games now people are going to follow it up with Monster Play from the ridiculously boring game LoTRO.....
Christmas spirit? Oh.. I see they are wearing santa hats.. okay I see..
Trying to sign up for beta.. Been awhile since I've been around here but would like to get back into something with you guys.
Well I love SC best RTS of all time so yes I'll own this.. I'll try to play competitively but don't think I'll make the cut..
Couple funny parts but eh.. dunno.. definitely not as awesome as others are stating..
Yea the mind reading.. is one you'll never get away from as a guy. You must know what they are thinking at all times!
Saw it Saturday.. I thought it was really good.. [SPOILER]
Was there even a demo?
Salvia.. as in the legal drug? *edit* in some states :)
mmm steak!
You are a pop collar dbag too arent ya? I hate anything country don't like Taylor but really.. and he looked like a little bitch on Leno.. Lawl..
Shes 19..