ofc we dont kick people for having independent thoughts, we welcome it. we also love donuts......seriously....bring donuts! :P
Its so tragic when a loved one is killed due to someone elses selfish acts. My deepest sympathy and kondolences to her family.
Happy birthday !!!
good job guys, im so proud of you :)
hey mebs :) good to see you. Hope you'll come and play minecraft with us when vankras and i get a server set up (ill leave all the hard work to...
Wb gank :)
from what i saw of your gameplay when you were in our platoon, you didnt stick with the squad very well, you did however talk ALOT in squadchat so...
Hello and thank you for your application, one of our officers will be in contact as soon as they are able.
*facepalm* now Dullards ego is going to make his head too big for his beard ><
noobs the both of ya ! :P *hides*
Omg he has a glow in the dark rubber duckie! can i keep him dullard!? PLEEEEEEEASE :P
happy birthday jillie !