Do you know if they are changing the game? I assume this isn't just a translated version.
Trion is taking over for the English release?
PC master race.
[IMG] I'm going to the one in Melbourne, Fl. Is anyone from XoO going?
I bought Crusader Kings II a few months ago for full price, like a MORON. It was worth it tho. Put in over 100 hr.
I found this, but I can't speak for its accuracy. It rates mice based on sensor accuracy. [IMG] Personally, I like the Logitech Gn00 series...
Same here. I played assloads of CoD1 and 4. The new ones feel like cheap knock-offs.
That seems like speculation. They said it has that feature, but never said they would use it for every game, right?
You can do Skyrim on Max with a 470.
Huzzah! SWEAR TO ME!
His is powered by a hand-crank. He hopes to upgrade to steam power soon.
This game doesn't have Duke's one-liners or toilet humor.
I'm playing this tomorrow. I'm looking forward to punching LaserSharks with a robotic terminator style arm.
MY favorite team is the Reikland Reavers. Elfheim Eagles are close second.
I voted for Dragon. But I'm not playing. Trolololol.