Once you're in you get invited to all subsequent. And you're invited by merely signing up and accepting TOS and passing Age gate. Therefore open...
I don't get how this isn't an open beta. "Everyone who sign up gets a key".
Sorcerers have the most resource efficiency of all the classes, generally speaking. They even get a flat reduction to stamina cost passively for...
Plantronics Gamecom. Good quality set with a microphone. Very durable. 80$ but I've seen them on sale for 50$.
Also crafting.
Id say 8-10hr for lvl 10. Could do it faster if you wanted to rush through all quest dialogue I guess.
This is going to be the largest PvP beta yet, as they are allowing people to keep their characters and people will actually make it to level 10.
That man put jizz in his name. I cant even.
I ordered. Standard preorder for 45$. Much easier to put up with all the bullshit when you can get essentially another month free.
This video shows a dark anchor fight. There are a couple of spots on the map where dark anchors come down from time to time as shown in the video....
There's no way random game devs could know that. Plus, it isn't even true. There's plenty of NDA breaking stuff in Xen forums, I'm sure.
We've been breaking NDA in this forum for a couple of months now.
More like Gaylords of Gaynor, amirite
The only PvP area is Cyrodiil. It will always be active because it runs 24/7 campaigns and new instances are only created when one becomes full....
I didn't play GW2 but I do remember people saying that it has the system that PS2 has, where it will filter out people who are farther away from...
During the beta there were seriously 100-200 people on screen fighting at the same time. PS2 doesn't even come close to allowing that many people...
The release date announced was today in a Bethesda Youtube video with some PvP gameplay. [media]
I'll be picking it up. I like what I've seen in Beta.