Object's back for another round of....obscure shit you've never heard of, this week we talk about this obscure as fuck title I probably would...
I had no idea you were a Trump advisor...BAM!
Get it free here http://landfall.se/supersecretlink If they take down that link I have the installer on my machine so it's all good, just let me...
Cater to children and idiots, like PewDiePie does.
I searched and I only found mentions of PoE in posts about D3 and two posts from 2013 about it, anyone playing it again? There's a ton of poeple...
I really wouldn't write this game off so soon, the 'recent' review percentage has already climbed from 23% to 31% in about less than two weeks and...
https://www.identityrpg.com/ The idea behind Identity is it'll be an incredibly detailed version of essentially GTA5, but this only really...
This is a better video, I'll leave the older one from 2014 just so you can see the progress. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Anyone have this on their radar or...
I tried out DDON through a vpn a good while ago but the english patch was shoddy and kinda ruined the experience for me so I didn't play it for long.
So ya...I own NMS now...and I actually like it...Go figure looking at my previous post. So what happened was this update came out and I looked...
I'm not really 'looking' for a game in the classic sense, I just like trying things out so I know who's doing what and if anyone's doing anything...
So I was just screwing around and I seen a vid on one of my subs about this game so I decided to see how bad it actually was. It's bad, not even...
Yup, they also do Armored Warfare and a new game called Cloud Pirates. The in house developers of mail.ru is the Allods Team who did Allods Online.
My.com isn't a small publisher, it's the NA arm of mail.ru which is 48th on alexa global and 5th in Russia. I may have already posted this but...
The 67% off sale was extended past the free weekend, steam doesn't show how long the sale will be on for so if you haven't picked up your copy yet...
I was so going to play Albion but I just never got into it because the open pvp turned me off.
http://store.steampowered.com/app/518660 This is a game that came out 5-6 years ago, it was published by OGPlanet and did somewhat well, it's...
http://store.steampowered.com/app/462440/ Sci-fi survival game set on mars created by some industry veterans. There is some confusion about who...
It's still on my list it just really seems like a go big or go home game similar to how AA worked. I think if we want to be a player in this game...
http://store.steampowered.com/app/545050/ Interesting concept, WW1 sandbox game, it's definitely an odd duck so you should definitely take a look...