Welcome =)
interesting... Wonder who the 3rd developer is
Have applied to get in. Watched the whole hour and half presentation... looks pretty awesome
Welcome! Good to have you playing with us :) Hope you finding your way around here okay, if you need help don't hesitate to PM me.
Dont try fried banana afterwards .. disgusting stuff
hmmm interesting .. :)
epic lulz
cheers guys ... i gotta say im hooked as on this game. Have logged in three times so far and those three times ended up being 10hr each. Loving...
* Race: Asmodians * Server: Perento 1. Age (18+ Requirement): 25 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Spirit 3. Location + Timezone: GMT +12 4. Class:...
Q. What XoO Divisions are you currently part of? RFO -- :) Have been a member of Eve Online & Conan & COD4 as well List atleast 3 other...
Yeah brown lol stupid keyboard.... :D
Bruno is just over the top. Hangover was at least pretty funny.
yeah its gonna take a while to become mainstream, but, still its the first company from a linux standpoint that has a decent chance to make it happen.
do we want google to take microsoft down is a better question? For now, we have both known quantities. This could get ugly.
looks cool. cant wait for the PC version :)
the bow is better close to mid range. Long range you will get owned by rifle. I love pinning people to the wall with the arrows. The graphic image...
TF2 = the best ^^ Dont knock snipers. I love playing with my bow.
If you want a gay storyline, go see the new Sacha Baron Cohen film. Enough wang slinging to keep fans hard for years. I liked the new movie....
interesting concept by google. Anyone going to create an OS dedicated to gaming? The new google OS should sort the web side out. Dunno about the...