Add me, but it comes down to how closely they make this Skyrim Online as opposed to re-skinned ES IP MMO.
Aldmeri Dominion. Catgirls. 'Nuff said.
This is coming out on the PS1 yea?
Shadowrun Returns is a solid RPG. I'm looking forward to community added content as well as the Berlin pack.
They put "online" behind every best franchise nowadays. STAHP IT. LEAVE FIREFLY ALONE. (Unless you bring back the TV show.)
People have short memories. They are ok with what a company does in the past, because the next time they will use lube.
Do you need me to make you a tinfoil hat?
Anno 2070, because it was never on consoles.
I'm surprised this isn't for PC.
This could be the greatest game ever created. I'm not a fan of Tom Clancy games, but I'll buy a console just to play this.
10/10, will watch again.
Whoa guys. Calm down. Good guy Obama. [IMG] He's got the greatest porn stash known to man.
Why no action combat system. Game looks gorgeous though.
After seeing Iron Man 3, I can't wait for this to come out.
Got mine today. Really sweet, thanks Leoben!!
Beat the game, 4/4 castle never. EZ. [IMG] Got the best guardian fighter shield in-game.
Currently 2/4 on castle never. Servers crashed otherwise we would have gotten a full clear :*(
It takes about 30 hours to hit max level, but founders have done it in 20. That is because the mount they get decreases the amount of travel by so...
I was 60 two days after open beta opened up. I'm in full epic gear with 2 mil. AD. End-game is WoW BC. If you didn't like WoW BC I don't suggest...
Superb mmo.