Yeah, I am going for a desktop as it would be way too expensive to get a good gaming laptop. The games I plan on playing are WAR/D3/Disciples...
This thread is full of win. I have had enough laughs for tonight and will come back later to finish it off.
Yeah, it looked epic indeed. Although, it def. looked like it's going to be a different type of movie from the original. More of an...
Well, my summer internship has been good to me and I am going for a new computer. My problem is that I am not all too familiar with computer...
Yeah, I guess. Marius did epic fail... IF Tyrael is corrupted I want him to, at the very least, end in a good way like Izual; his soul...
So yeah...quite a cool system. One that should never be abused... = P
Sorry about nitpicking. I wasn't sure if you knew something I didn't about the zombie wall and would have then corrected me, thus instilled some...
From the Blizzard store, which also happens to list Battle Chest for 40$.
I owned the game, but I seem to have misplaced my CD cases, which had the CD keys. I checked the online store, but it is still 40$ for both of...
I am not sure if it acts like a bone wall/hydra like you say. Unlike bone wall, no monster seems to attack the wall and it seems to be passable....
It seems to function like wall of fire, but you can't tell in the demo because all of the monsters die in one hit. It looks pretty cool though. : P
I would have loved to play DII, but it was on my old computer and I seem to have lost my DII/xpac case, which included CD's and keys. >.< Lame
I hope so. Necro's were always my favorite, especially the bone aspect, which is absent from the witch doctor. They just seem to be bred to take...
Say what you want about Blizzard, but they really know how to get me excited about a game. Marketing genius Also it looks like we will be...
I can die happy
If this is Wrath of the Lich King I will be so disappointed. Just doesn't make sense to go through such great lengths to announce/give the...
Personally, I was never spanked and I think I turned out pretty well. Although that doesn't mean I got off scott-clear when I did something...
If they announce Diablo III I will have to soil myself. I can't quite place it, but I loved Diablo II. I just hope that if they do make III (it...