No need to ask this guy is a legend and really would be an asset to XoO Aion! Good to see you back playing with XoO again, This game looks...
It wasn't ME!
Sorry this may be a silly question. When you went into safe mode and deleted it did you disable your system restore before hand!
Xshrike I love it nice find.
I am having the same problem missing bin file! A bit of a search found this! Go click update now!...
I just found this on some forums couldnt see it posted anywhere! Watch this space I guess I personnally am very sceptical!...
I am HEARING you dash I have the same problem dog and all. Dog = 26 inches at the shoulder and 35kg. I have found the local Big W store your...
Dont normally ask for this kind of thing. Just curious if any one has a spare set of keys they would like to give me a loan of. I will discontinue...
I am on US west ladder add griswald50 to your friends list. got three characters noob warrior lvl 75, zealerdin 71 and soso light lvl 70. have no...
oooh oooh ooooh ... GO TO THE SPLASH SCREEN NOW!!!;jsessionid=E76119AD8680407A8C2AFA89484EBD79.app11_02
This is the front page on their lich king web site the eyes are now enough to comvince me it is the lich king....
Good job Good on you guys and just like everyone else said thanks for the effort put in to sort this out.