You get desktops from 4chan? /weep I get the majority of mine from huuuuuge variety of stuff and you can find pretty much...
I think they just didn't know what they were getting into... underestimated their player base in many, many ways, from what I've read about it.
One of my coworkers mentioned this story to me, and I cracked up.. (except for the part about suing the city, uhm, hi look where you're walking,...
I don't see how you can say "it's too gear-y and diversity was lost" when you can roll up a pvp character with max gear and the max weapons with...
I was hugely anti-this movie, but after reading this review, I am almost convinced to pay matinee price to see it on the big screen, just to laugh...
From the article... "Sperm can survive up to five days inside a woman's body, so a woman could sleep with different men several days apart, and...
Dude, blind people typically have hands, and a sense of touch, and are capable of picking up objects with the intent of identifying them. Derp?
Ehh, I thought the animated transformers movie was better than the CG one (and wow, if you've seen it... BURN). I found the action to be...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised its alert level over swine flu from three to four - two steps short of declaring a full pandemic....
I'm not worried about me and mine. Even though there have been reported cases in British Colombia, King County (in Washington State) is rated as...
Kill all humans, and their livestock, and global warming ends? Discuss.
All the hype about CO2 is missing the big picture IMO... sure, we (that is, humans) produce a lot, but not nearly on the scale as the world's...
WIN. I was hoping you were linking to an incarnation of the original game, and I was not disappointed :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 /bookmarked
That's sweet! Can see that being especially useful for blind people, since the assholes at the treasury decided to make all our bills the same...
I've got a couple samsungs too, and I always think it's funny (strange-funny) that the sales people never seem to take the trouble to adjust the...
should I be scared that it's under the "candy" heading? .... >.> yikes
MMO: Guild Wars RTS: Starcraft RPG: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII Action: GTA2 (Don't know if this counts, but don't care, <3 this game...
Man, if I still lived in the neighborhood I'd be there... even though I'm not really keen on tennis, it'd be pretty hilarious to hang out with you...
I don't think those definitions are quite right. I always understood determinism to be more along the lines of "destined to happen," i.e....
^This. I had a bittersweet trip to Deutschland at the end of a school trip to France - was too broke to buy any really nice souvenirs like...