she said she is fine and Thank you for asking.....
a plate that vibrates at higher and higher Frequencies with sand, thought it was interesting.
What like this.... A traveling-wave reactor, or TWR, is a kind of nuclear reactor that can convert fertile material into fissile fuel as it runs...
only if you disregard the fuel in the would take an enrichment source and would need non-depleted uranium....
The reactor core uses depleted uranium, much like that found in certain amunitions, it has not been enriched to make plutonium nor is that a...
ummm you might wish to do more reading.......
:D too funny.
0.o those horns are reason enough to stay away, that and any sport in which you are penalized for contact may need reclassification as a sport.
/me agrees
but a chia pet the size of my head will be huge......:@_@:
Absolutly, just saying much like the Twins they will screw it up in the end;)
It never ends....Muhahahaha
meh.. I have faith........they will find a way to screw it up...;)
+1.....think my eyes bled a little too......:eek:
Don't make me bust out the faces of death vids.....:arrrg:
..shall we say all bodily fluids and substances......Dash how about a ruling???? know....;)