I don't suppose this new setup automatically associates our ts account with forum one
Hasn't he designed all of our logos?
"Swat tank" Wasnt a tank.
I hear a lot of good stuff about this game, may give it a try when I am done with the list of crap I have to do and Rift is more off the ground.
/who xen in game to get one of us to invite you or just find me I am either on BobFromMarketing or Nimodrius
fuDzP45Uo64 Beginning on March 8th(Thursday) and ending on March 14th(Wednesday) Rift will become free for all who have ever had an active Rift...
Vouching that I referred this poor soul who only married me in an attempt to secure her sainthood from the Vatican.
Kind of annoyed it doesn't tell us what kind of tank. It's probably not even a tank but some other tracked fighting vehicle. Take that puppy!
I appreciate the application, definitely can't fault your reasons for liking XoO ;) I will get with you in game about talking over...
Thank you for your application, I must say both your applications look great. I will set up a time for the three of us to talk on Teamspeak!
Looks rather like what you think it is. I'd change all your major passwords and start using lastpassso your email specifically can use a 30...
This image or video has been deleted. Use imgur like a civilized fox person
Sorry we don't have anyone named isirus. Please don't lie about referrals
Downloading this now, will post a review tonight.
A non linear third or first person front mission would also be nice.
So it's a CS Surf server but in the unreal 3 engine. With physics weapons.
Yet another RL friend that I have known for some years.
This is actually a former XoO member who played with us during Warhammer and has been friends with me since we were around 15-16.
This poor sap has known me since we were both 13 as well. If he was catholic it would go on his list of accomplishments for sainthood.