I love Coldplay - Clocks is an epic song.
Mel, you better fucking play AA3 with us!!!
Don't think so Nish, unless they have a big patch coming between now and then. They add a little 5mb patch every day or two that fix small...
What? From what i've read, the rides there kick ass.
I always win =)
I take it eminem didnt know that was gonna happen?
Its either been 5 or six for me cause I think I joined the later part of 03. Been the best group of fucktards i've ever played with.
I mark rocks like that all the time. I also walk around the forest wearing a gorilla costume looking kinda like big foot.
I love Tool. I may go see them here in NC Jul 29th.
My post is better =p
So does this mean she had sex with two guys in the same night and neither knew how to pull out? Brilliant.
I still say aliens farm us. When we die, they suck our souls into a large container like the thing from ghost busters which then acts as a blender...
Saw Crossfade, Hinder, Black Stone Cherry, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, and Stained on my 17th B-day couple years back. That was a kick...
It couldn't tell me if dolphins could fly or not...
I made a new account, there is a way to do it. I'll try to figure out for you lol Not sure how to get back to where I did it though. When I...
I have been using Chrome =)
I believe it will run smoothly on any decent computer. The open beta will probably be out within a couple months. I think release is supposed to...
That would be awesome, except i'm under age lol
It's using the Unreal 3 Engine, so it looks and feels great. It's buggy of course, but very playable and enjoyable. Everything in beta is still...
So far so good. I need a count of how many people are in, and who plans on playing. Time to get the ball rolling. I'm gonna toss our tag on and...