The Hobbit was the best of the books imo, hopefully it turns out to be the best movie as well. I highly doubt that they will be able to cram the...
Do you know if there is a release date yet? I like the sound of this game :)
Well I should probably stop making hour mixes, soundcloud limits free users to 2 hours of upload time so I have to delete them if I want to upload...
Here is the dubstep mix I made last night. Be warned though, some of the tracks are pretty filthy and heavy. ;]...
Wish I could say I produced it too but nope, it's just about 25 songs mixed together. There's a few rough transitions in there but for an hour...
So for those of you who need a little music to game or grind to, here is a little mix I put together tonight after work. If you like drum and...
Ah thank you very much guys :) Both of these are awesome!
That was the worst trailer I've ever seen...
:) That's a Psy Trance version of an eminem song I put together. And still could really use some...
Here's a little mash-up I made today real quick: And I'd still appreciate if anyone could help...
I know there's someone out there is probably looking for some music to grind to! Well here you go. ;)...
This would be a great help! I'm not looking for anything too specific. I like how the 'o' is a yo-yo with the string underlining the rest of the...
Thanks! That mix was actually just with computer software, when I set up some CD's I'll upload a spun set. :)
So I wasn't entirely sure where this belonged since this forum is meant for posting original works, but I lack the software/skills to make this...
I honestly have liked all of the halo games a lot, I just hate brutes. I think they made a mistake focusing on brutes rather than elites on the...
Skate 2 was legit, and skate 3 is out in what... 7 days? I can't wait. :) Madden 10 and NHL 10 were both excellent as well I might add
I've seen a lot of badly done lightsaber battles, but that was pretty sick! A good balance of both. They have awesome package deals, but at the same time you can customize everything you want...
Me and Smoker both use the Nvidia 260 gtx and it is wonderful