and is this game any good at all ?
what time ?
going to be a slider for people ... closer to the core will be more PVE outer cores more PVP from what I have gathered
pretty solid video actually
SC > ED so far from my experience ... I feel like I wasted $75
good stuff lad !!!
oh snapppppple
my Crucial m4 died and the RMA was a refurb ... intel is still killing it
I can also confirm a clone using Acronis Enterprise works going from a HDD to a SSD to another SSD :)
the new patch this week is supposed to fix it and invite more people in
Enigma is god of the build ... do what he says or fear the wraith of Erocktion !!!
good shit lads ... kyoji ima let u level my account now k thanks bye
so i backed this and entirely forgot I did
0$ ... nothing new i do not have or want
HI SOGETSU ... looks good :)
what in the world
some moron at my job almost sold one last week when they came in at work ... he saw em and tried to sell it ... instant fire
^^^ that is an obvious statement !!!