Left Guild reapply if change your mind and also need to talk to me about why you left if you do want to come back.
Bump Siva to guest, He left feels like he doesn't have enough time to fill all the guilds needs. Siva Reapply if you feel like coming back. Great...
now integrated on TS
Attempted to contact several times in games has not gotten back to me. If still interested please reapply.
In guild and added to usergroup. Needs to be integrated on TS
Not joining XoO, If you change your mind reapply.
Integrated added to usergroup. on 24hr CD
The Survival mode with the base building makes the game what it should of always been. most of the items in the game you never used have a use now...
lol thats great. added to guild, usergroup and integrated.
The forum name?
Moving to Denied due to no response. Reapply if still interested
Moveing to denied due to no response. reapply again if still interested
ok well he will follow the other to which ever guild. they just joined a friends guild but wants me to talk to the other see if he still wants to...
Whispered Angelica in game, responded and said has guild ATM and not interested.
Talented Guild merger. Will finish integrating once in guild in a few hours
Added to guild, usergroup and integrated.
From Talented Guild. Im on there Discord and will be sharing TS info with them as we go today. Theophanes CD will be up at 3am est saturday.
He very interested and is going to look around a bit more but will let us know what he decides. Just returning to bdo.
left guild. removed access. Talk to Iron or I about leaving if you want to reconsider but we will have to have a chat about you leaving like you did.