Mys invited to guild
Next time your on hit one of the officers up or me and we will get you set up. also a guild invite.
Added to user group, integrated. will join guild after CD
Family name changed to Vullous
Yea once you hit 56 and awaken farming/grinding becomes a breeze. things will speed up.
integrated, added to usergroup and guild
integrated, added to usergroup and guild.
TS info sent
Sent TS info
Talented merger
GL, if you change your mind let us know and reapply.
Added to usergroups and integrated TS, need guild invite in 24hrs at 7:39pm
GL on joining the military! reapply when you can play again!
yea just find the class you love and get the levels, we can help with gear and making silver with knowledge it will come quick. first 300gs is...
sry we didnt get to talk much tonight toepeka with nodewars going on. we will get you a invite next time your on and get.
in guild, added to usergroup and integrated
Most contributor member of 2016(list up to 8) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to...