Might join in, bit late for me (but saying that it's later for gaial, so I dunno) :P
So, I'm guessing the majority of the XoO posting community are giving this a miss? Good. Fucking turtle hater.
He'll only ruin it if you decide to go watch it... if you boycott it, who gives a fuck. It's Michael Bay... he casts fucking Shea Le Beouf from...
I expect loot... Like the loot whore I am xD
A troll within a troll mayhaps?
No matter, gives me more credits each time I reply because I'm cool like that.
I wonder how many more people are gunna repeat the fact that the launch date was announced?
Ahh well, can't win them all... still. Needs more assassins and necromancers and druids in D3
Might play again, but in general is pretty linear IMO
LOL. Someone actually saw this and move the thread? Damn I'm such a king of anally patrolling the forums.... Heh
Late to the Party Drag?
Well, maybe. Or what happened with Peacocks/Bon Marche could happen too... it's all tits up in the UK whatever happens to be honest. As for...
Yet Gamestation is better than Game. Loving this fact. :P
Shouldn't this be in multimedia? </forum patrol>
Sure Blizzard are safe from that, as for Game.co.uk... then try Gamestation, they are the same company more or less anyway
Feh addicted is addicted... besides. Tyreal's Charger mount :D
But I like brownies :(
Good thing I got the WoW offer which includes a free copy of D3 >_>
You call that a lawn? Where's the grass man....
I err... wtf Pepper?