Alright, Ukisss! I apologize for the delay in your app. Please check your PM's. :)
Hello, Aelzair! We meet again~ ;) Thanks for applying to XoO! Probably won't be able to get an interview in for you tonight but definitely...
Interviewed and ACCEPTED. Your 30-day probationary period begins now. Make sure you check out Xen of Onslaught's Code of Conduct. You now...
Awesome! Thank's for applying to XoO! Please check your PM's. :)
Hello, Ukisss! Thanks for applying to XoO! Just letting you know your application has been noticed and is currently under review. We will keep...
Interviewed and ACCEPTED. Interviewed by: Kitsune, Cylar, Deban, & Jaga. Your 30-day probationary period begins now. Make sure you check out...
Thanks for waiting Plow! Please check your PM's.
Thanks Plow! New Application Submitted Link To New App:
Hello Plow! We meet again, Thank you for applying to Xen of Onslaught! :) I am normally the one that would be taking care of you, and I would...
Yup, I finally just got a beta invite too. Hell ****in yeah!
It has now been over 7 days waiting for this applicant to make an arrival onto our Teamspeak servers to continue the application process to...
Thank you for applying to Xen of Onslaught. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept this application due to the global XoO requirement that...
Hi again, Rizkbreaker~ I've been waiting for you to make your way on Teamspeak. However, before that... I actually just had someone poke me...
Okay! I just got home from work! Unfortunately, I also have to go to bed shortly cause I have to get up really early for work tomorrow. :(...
Hi Rizkbreaker! Thanks for Applying to XoO! :) It's been a bit busy tonight, I do apologize; I understand you spoke with Veleena about...