There is an on-going, not weekend-only beta already happening. There's a very small amount of people in it; so much so testers can barely find...
The closed beta for this started today. I signed up for it back in 2011 when it was announced for the first time at Gamescom, and put I was a...
Beta to officially begin in late March.
I read articles on this from Polygon, Penny Arcade Review and ArsTechnica and could not believe the amount of hype surrounding an announcement of...
LOL, bravo sir.
Such an odd time/date combo for a test.
These codes are to be entered here, after signing into your Trion account:
Interdasting... thanks for sharing.
Kyoji hates freedom. 'MERICA
OMG I agree with Kyoji. :uhhh:
I was so shocked to hear no one bid on Vigil.
Trion to publish XL Games’ massive online game ArcheAge in Western markets Trion Worlds has signed a deal with South Korea’s XL Games to bring...
— SOE's Smedley in regards to EverQuest Next It's supposedly going to be a sandbox game, so I'm interested in it.
— Elder Scrolls Online Beta Details and More "Without giving away a definite date, Sage said that the first wave of beta invites should be...
Each faction is made up of 3 or so races. So if a faction is picked, there's still a bit of choice to be made.
MMORPG's @TheBillMurphy talking @TESOnline with Creative Director, Paul Sage! A little over 22 minutes, talks about the beta and stuff.
A definite YES to both of those.
I actually liked it a lot more than Utherix, LOL, but truthfully it just made want to play Firefall again.