A worthy successor to the original Deus Ex. Bosses might suck, but it's still a fantastic game.
I'm glad Na'Vi picked Pudge for their first game, even though they lost. :p
I'm on Velskud with a sorceress named Shammy, if anyone is on that server. :p
Yeah downloading beatmaps can be quite a pain, but I rarely do that. I always DL seperate songs since the beatmap packs usually have a ton of...
Bulletstorm, DotA 2 (play it alongside HoN), Half Life 2 Episode 3, SWTOR, D3, Dragon Age 2, ME3, and of course, SKYRIM
I'll probably be going assuming I don't have work on any of those days (yar I work on Sundays).
I thought I had this. NOOOOOO