Looks really good.
Yeah, GW is not an MMO at all.
I use the G15 v1, it's awesome. Been using it for years now. Do you guys really use that many macro keys though? I really like the LCD screen,...
Wait...how is that relevant to LoL being DotA 2.0?
Ahh, I see, my mistake, sorry.
Jesus Christ with the caps already. It's made by some of the creators of DotA, but if you really want to see DotA 2.0 check out Heroes of Newerth....
Heroes of Newerth is a upcoming game that's more like DotA than LoL is, LoL is based on the same concept though and seems very promising.
Just? Wasn't that more than a year ago? Anyways, the point is now all the EU people play on Gemini anyway so for us veteran EU players we can't...
I've had a lot of good times in PlanetSide, some not very long ago. Does anyone know if they finally merged all the servers or is the EU one still...
So if you were to play it would that make you cool considering your current status? <3
Wow, that's fucking terrible...
I want to play en elf in Global Agenda, he looked awesome.
I'd like to hear that as well.
What do you mean? Planetside was and still is the definitive MMO of it's kind, it's still a great game if you look past the terrible handling by SOE.
So who all got into the beta?
XI isn't really an old-school first gen MMO, I reckon it's a 3rd or 4th gen MMO depending on how you count. I think FF XIV is gonna be awesome,...
I'll sign up as well, it could be alright but it could also be terrible.
Ahh, Huxley...been so many years since this game was announced. I signed up, been wanting to try this.
It was a pretty enjoyable game when I played, although in the current format and even with the additions they have planned I can't really see...
I signed up as well.