Accepted. Need to do TS integration. Cool down on guild timer. Should join tomorrow night. Interview complete!
messaged applicant. Will close if no response after a few days.
[IMG] kyella14 Guest Joined: Feb 28, 2017 Messages: 1 Likes Received: 0 Gender: Female New Yeah, Ironjaw gave me some information on the officers...
teamspeak info sent and my in game name :)
Approved and in guild!
He was waiting for an officer yesterday for the teamspeak interview (with me). Just node wars, then meeting, he had class and I had to sleep. So...
Bored out of my f'in mind @ work
Are you over 18?: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes What previous gaming experience do you have?: GW2 and Archeage What...