I will be home in 45 min. MinaAkira in game. I will handle ya ;)
We are 18 and up only. We have never even made exceptions for long term members' family either. I apologize this wasn't somewhere more visible....
someone or myself will get you that guild invite. I went to be semi early last night but I do get off work at 4 central today :)
was this at sausans the other day by chance?
this is awesome
I think i did it right lol
Approved, just needs invite to our Sister Guild :D
Interview set up for today <3 Maiday plays more casually currently and is looking at alt guild (even though she is BA tamer that can murder) hehe
interviewed and approved. need to do ts integration
Hey I know you. YAY. Im MinaAkira. Saw you in the heidel arena the other day. Was going to ask why you didnt just join us but didnt want to snipe lol
My in game name is MinaAkira. Should be home in an hour or so.
Hi there. I will be home in a little over an hour. It appears you have iron's info. My in game name is MinaAkira. Whisper me if ya need anything.
@Aaron_Leucojum please reach back out to us when you are ready. MinaAkira in game
@kyella14 please reach back out to us when you are ready. MinaAkira in game
@Morgren please reach back out to us when you are ready. MinaAkira in game
@allthatjazz please reach back out to us when you are ready. MinaAkira in game
@Twozilla please reach back out to us when you are ready. MinaAkira in game
Darktides forum name should be BabyTRexHands
You can use rl names if you want. Darktide I will spank that booty :D
Accepted. Need to do TS integration. Cool down on guild timer. Should join tomorrow. Interview complete!