Speaking of Fraps and using the search function of the forums, when i'm trying to record gameplay in Warhammer (I play at 1440x900) I tell Fraps...
Just did these two. Going to sleep now. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=691061 http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=690602
The game looks pretty fun with a bunch of people. I'd be interested but with Warhammer coming out next month I know I won't have time for much...
The only thing i've ever done to a Barbie Power Wheels (as depicted in gif above), was take out the engine and clutch so that my brother and I...
Dash can't be that old, even if he really is. Happy b-day. :cake1:
... the rifle... the arm... gone... :p
Not entirely relevant, but when I hear "window" and i'm playing an MMO, the only thing I think about is waiting for Fafnir/Nidhogg (FFXI) spawn...
That Razer paper-weight for mouse/headphones is really nifty. My roommate is hella (read: incredibly) sensitive to how his mouse and keyboard wire...
Be sure to upload a rough sketch when/if you can Reignier
Yeah Lev, that's pretty much what I think the idea behind XoO's Mascot/Symbol/Icon should be.
I don't can't imagine XoO being represented by anything carbon based :D I don't know why, but the first thing that I thought of was more of a...
Owe? Of course not. However, I would like to show support for the greatest mature gaming syndicate ever. I'd even pay for it. :x
I agree with Tazil and EF2. Shattered looks great though Kyoji. Where are my XoO shirts that we don't have?
Only thing I thought that could have used more work was the way Claire walks towards the camera... it's kinda like she has a wedgie (the bad...
Yeah I tried SLI with my 2 7950's on my current set up, and either I didn't set it up properly (probably the case) or the FPS improvement was that...
It's a Korean made game... "I have more potions than you, so I win." No thanks. Hate Korean MMO gameplay styles and story (because story doesn't...
Alright then, i'll be ordering a 4870 sometime in the nearby future. Thanks Kyu, Billiard, and KillDragon. Does kinda suck that imo, Nvidia cards...
After reading Kyu's "4870 = win" thread I rethought my imaginary computer that I want to build. I had at first picked out a GeForce 9800 GX2 (...