I enjoyed it a bit more than Skyrim as well. Both are great games. The story is about the same as Skyrim, at least the main story. Some of the...
On the 17th, sure. I assume you have the BF3 early access. ;)
New CGI trailer to air during this week's Walking Dead (Sunday). As much as I hate teasers for trailers... at least this one is to announce a TV...
If you complete most side quests in every zones, by the time you reach the end of the first zone (different color on the map), you will think you...
Finesse/Sorc was the main focus during most marketing videos which explains why it's so popular. It's also very dynamic. But as far as build...
The Demo is out for anyone interested. ;) [EDIT] Dammit I should not have played the demo... now it's going to make the next 20 days a living...
I was playing Finesse/Sorcery at first but did not use magic very often so I ended up going pure Finesse. With Fin/Sorc you need to use fire...
There's a small unsupported program that allow you to change the FOV, the game is much better at 60-70. Heck the game must be 45, I played a lot...
I played about 55-60 hours so far, just started the eastern continent. It's a lot of fun so far, I definitely recommend it to any action RPG fans.
I have a 2nd play through of ME2 saved just before the last mission, based on my Soldier Paragon ME1 save. Had to do another play through since I...
So Aion NA is not going free to play? A shame I wanted to try again. :(
“Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confound, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand...
12-16-1984 jpQ4YhvmFbY
Fair enough, but still even if it's half of what they say... heck 1/4 even. It's still better than most games. Yes I am looking at you shitty FPS...
New details regarding the length of the game, it takes more than 200 hours to experience EVERYTHING... by someone from the QA team. Here's a link...
Isn't the TERA closed beta only for two days (Feb 10-12) anyway? Gives you a few days to play KoA:R, small break for the TERA closed beta and then...