Scheduled for tomorrow at 9PM EST.
Scheduled for 9PM EST for this Thursday.
Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday at 9PM EST.
Thanks for your application. I really appreciate the effort that you put into it and that really tells me a lot about yourself. The second part of...
Thanks for your application. The next step in the application process is to schedule a TeamSpeak interview. When would you be availible to meet?
Thanks for your application. Was World of Warcraft your only MMORPG? Can you tell us what type of raiding you experienced in WOW?
Thanks for your response. I sent you a PM.
Please check your PM. We can wait until your back home to proceed.
Thanks for your application. The next step of the application process is to schedule a TeamSpeak interview. When would you be able to meet?
The hoverboard is the main draw. For $15 more, I don't see a problem with the delexue version.
[IMG] Announcements WildStar Division Announcement I’m excited to announce that the WildStar Division has been granted full support...
Denied for not completing the application process.
Please respond by this Friday (3/7), otherwise I will have to deny your application. Please PM me if you have any questions.
How about, Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net? ;)