Mmmmm, yes.
Amazon has the 770 for the same price, but with 2 day shipping if you have prime. Also the 780ti SC at a decent price.
I like how you post this, after what you made me do.. I'll never be the same. Kidding aside, thank you. Good to be back.
Logical. I've got a ton of experience playing the KR CBT and retail, so I'd be happy to answer any questions that maybe google cant. This might...
Not sure if it was mentioned or not, but do you know if XoO is going to roll East or West?
How old are you?: 26 In-Game Name: Daedalus Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Previous Gaming Experience: UO DAoC EQ SWG WoW Rift GW2...
2 points for the wind.
So then it didn't did not might could shouldn't have happened? I don't even..
Congratulations guys!
Fireman in particular are not usually JUST fireman, and as far as PD, when I worked as a class 1 for Phoenix Metro PD sick days were laughable at...
Except for those working the civil service jobs i.e. fireman, police, 3 letter agencies, security, and military. Those people don't usually get...
Some jobs don't have that luxury. I wish there was enough people to fill the jobs needed so people in my and many other lines of work could take a...
Now that's sensible.
That actually looks like it might be a really good movie. Now replace Kristen whatever with Megan Fox and I'll watch it.
Some things you just cannot un-see.
That is fucking hysterical.
Very disturbing, and yet, just as insightful.
I, the King of No Pants, am inclined to disagree. Gunther's a sexpot.