Demigod meets Dragon's Lair
Yea it kinda is a halo meets UT. It uses unreal engine but servers are empty right now so I'd wait before picking it up. I hope it doesn't become...
Been playing alpha of this. Been looking for a new fps game and this shows the most promise so far. Still needs a lot of work but good start....
Im in a guild with toepeka and shogun. Ive seen laughing coffin, dvs and warrior poets in game also. Game is fun and well designed but does have...
its prob for the korean version
Not that I know of. They have to focus on the game in korea first before focusing elsewhere
Game is like UT but the map blows
The game is out in korea so its not in English. There is a russian beta also. If you are not familiar with how to play on a korean or russian...
This game Winter alpha starts Jan 26. It is cross platform so you can play on tablets etc. It has crafting, sieging, tons of pvp and full looting....
Its free to play. If your familiar with playing on Korean servers you can make an account and start playing. They add castle sieges next week.
aeto and cal arent it guild i vote no. shes a spy
GlobalAward Favorite leader of 2014 (list up to 3) Miir, Calabane Best overall recruit of 2014 (list up to 4) Aetogra, Tugg, Pocket Favorite...
Korean open beta is dec 17th.
It Lives!! I played Chinese Version. I think they got a pulisher for US but like Archeage prob will be a while. [MEDIA] Angry Joe at E3 [MEDIA]
Didn't see anyone mention these games. We have been having giveaways over at fragworld....
Mechwarrior Series is one of my favorite series of all time. This game took so long because they needed funding. They are actually launching a...
Yea if you can't find any I am pretty sure I still have some more
If you guys are having problems registering please use the contact us button at the top of every page and let us know. Kyoji will be giving away...
Oh if anyone hasn't preordered yet Arenanet gave us a couple hundred keys for BWE #2 and a couple closed beta keys Details are here...
Alpha Sent