10,000L a hour for a voice escort 700L a hour for text 500L for one with no sex invoived lmao do not ask me how i know this!!!
I had a guy hit me once and he regretted it LMAO I sooo kicked his ass and went crying to the neighbors house. But yea if a woman puts herself in...
Lol you are always welcome to come try =P Let me take your moneys XD
Lmao This post made my day , I have been looking for a job so it's something I know not to do!
Well it is not like im old im only 24 and she is a fucking dog to make it worse i could understand if she was hot!
Don't worry Lev i won't be a dick =)
Ok here it is my myspace! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=403846155
Wahooo I am classified as hot i feel special XD!
noooooooooo they used to be on the old forums but I am not doing that again!
Thank you everyone "hugs" I feel alot better today though I have slept most of it. he brought her over today and it made me feel better I am still...
wow i Lol'd does that make me wrong hahaa
Ok every so often I drop in and let people know what I have been up too. Well I am living with my sister back in Tennessee and I hate it! Well it...
I can not wait to see it!
^^ Wow the most I ever did was get pissed off when i had to clean the kitchen once and ran away for a couple of ngihts. That is messed up!
They are good I <3 GG
Why are boys so stupid?
Hey I think it is pretty!
Yipeeeee The knights who say Nee
Holy shit I missed the fact it was a woman!!! Well damn puts us to shame =/
Omg obviously he does not have a girlfriend.