On my netbook xD [IMG]
I have a Maya Binary floating around somewhere that I put together for a wallpaper... I'll look around for it tomorrow when I get home from work.
so says the guy with a sig that takes up my whole screen o.0
Its not just the awards... the whole points/level/activity thing too not to mention all the spacing between the contact icons and...
its 600... now what?
haha well Fikusan originated from my RTCW name Fusae... (i know this is a long stretch and it might be hard to see)... Fusae originated from this...
omg omg omg omg omg!!! Thank you soooooo much!!! reading the forums was soooooo hard from my phone :)
Haha, i have the 22" acer and i love it... but being that its my first 22" monitor, why wouldnt I xD
I've done a bit of research for myself... I read up somewhere that the acer Eee series (1000+) does a fairly decent job of playing well... these...
oh, all of the netbooks i was looking at had 2 cores xD that specific one i had in my first post had a 1.6GHz and a 1GHz when i looked up the...
Well, seeing as my laptop crapped out on me last quarter (and i had to resort to using my palm pilot with its portable keyboard in its place), I...
<3 ^_^
my literal desktop?: [IMG] haha jk that was a few years ago when i stayed up to 3am every morning doing HA's with XoO GW my default desktop...
have you looked into Ghosting your drive (copying all of the data from one drive to another) i think it requires a boot disk... Look into the wiki...
I've been around for a while... and for like the past 5 years, I don't think I've ever seen a post on these forums about XoO's Birthday. When...
I have a good friend in China right now... and apparently they banned Facebook there and she is like yea... dying er something without it. I was...
wtb at least one prison guard.....
I would love to play a few games with you guys, I really need a break from all the work I've been doing recently. Maybe I'll be able to join in...
hahaha..... brilliant ^_^ sounds like something i would do