shouldnt it be... kn»»────►ee
I guess the 5870 isn't a bad grab while its still in stock then. I was kinda leaning towards it after I found it but I wanted a few other opinions.
Oh, i wasn't planning on gaming with more than one screen, i just wanted to do basic stuff on the other two screens, like be able to have a web...
I actually have a rather nice monitor that Intel paid for :D and then i have a crappy 25" and a crappy 22" that I'd like to use too.. My...
I was thinking of upgrading from my horrible integrated graphics (which can only run Skyrim on lowest quality at about 20FPS) to something a bit...
Aww... <3 Lev, he was awesome! get yo ass back here in the shadows with me!
way to quadrapost then double post... very nice picture i might add. I think i shall steal this for my dual double widescreen setup =D
I figured out #18 in 0.350815 seconds: By starting at the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent numbers on the row below, the maximum...
someone changed yur name, hurr hurr hurr san != chan! grawr!
wait a sec... are our forums on eastern time...? asdfg! i coulda sworn i keep changing the settings back to pacific?
its actually a mutated C that runs in a java based compiler I brute forced #9 in 1.1865 seconds A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural...
for a lot of these... i havent really been needing to write programs... like for 6 i just did sum(1:100)^2-sum((1:100).^2) in matlab and got [SPOILER]
That problem is very easily solved with a pencil (and when i edit my program to use the following algorithm, it runs in under 10 microseconds)...
well, i think there should still be some things independent of multimedia, but yes, I agree, a lot of things can easily be placed in either forum atm
Iono how necessary you all would feel this, but I think it would be nice if we can further refine this forum into subforms so that I don't spend...
haha, its weird cause i was playing this just two days ago (and watching my friend play it last night). I love the sanity effects but i do have to...
I did a brute force as well o.0 cept it only took me .0013 seconds [SPOILER] and for my answer i got [SPOILER]
memory wasn't supposed to be an issue with chrome (nor should it be a problem with my computer). Flash tended to not be very stable either iirc...
i actually have a linux partition on the 1tb disk... but the copying thing seems less viable because working around the misalignment doesnt seem...
I've tried switching to chrome at least 4-5 times now... I like the potential it offers me, and the fact that when one tab crashes the whole...