Z5: The Necromancy Wars by Tyloric Beta read by the lovely youroctober. Prologue Blood dripped down his thigh, wet and sticky. Matt...
...aha... ....ahaha..... ...aha-ahaa--AHAA...HAHAHAHAHA HA-HAHAHA--ahahahahaha.. ...ha.. ....ha..... Yeah, it's bad.
The Businessman by Tyloric It was a joke, a fucking joke, one he really should have seen coming. It had all being going so smoothly. Hire a doll...
So, let's pretend it's pretty late and you're doing a little light reading before bed, as you sometimes do. This book is one that you bought used...
Actually, I'm not sure. Here's what happens: Every few minutes (with no prompting) Internet Explorer opens and starts trying to open...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAwR6w2TgxY&eurl= it's a music video. <3333
In this thread I will be recommending and reviewing various original fictions I run across on my daily travels of the internets. Enjoy. Rec #1...
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/moms/6289370.html 8D
This is a short story that happens inside a novel that myself and a few friends are working on. The novel itself is a long ways from completion,...
You can read it here.
Dollhouse is the new series by Joss Whedon, who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly. You can catch it on Fox 9/8c. The...
--Wrong section, please delete-- Posted to the wrong section. Please delete.
Push is one of those movies that you will either love or hate, there really seems to be no middle ground with it. If you like movies that focus on...
Ramblings by D. J. Loper (a.k.a. Tyloric) Written for the Love Challenge on LJ. “Hey, Casey?†Chuck slurred. “What, Bartowski?â€...
Note: Because the XoO forums do not allow HTML all the the formatting (bold, italics, underlining) was lost and I don't feel like going through...
http://www.freedietdrpepper.com/ Diet or not; It's free.
Twenty Hours By Tyloric Dedicated to Sumaya. Beta read by youroctober. Part One: Counting the Seconds *** He had been counting the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeH4sXraeoE&feature=rec-HM-r2 It's actually a game. I got to level 3 :3
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=58119776&blogID=467333722 Just another reason to hate eBaum.
Act I Numb. He couldn’t think of any other way to describe it. His head was in a fog, unable to form coherent thoughts. Lost in the dark without...