[img] Originally written for the L4D Big Bang. MAJOR SPOILERS TO DOCTOR WHO SERIES 5! [img] He’d hardly recognized it at...
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Coming to PS3 Next Winter Posted by Adrian Arnese // Senior Brand Manager, SQUARE ENIX [IMG] We at Square...
Guild Wars ApplicationHow old are you? 21 In-Game Name? The Secksy Monk Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered...
Hurrah! So, Xoobs, I ask you: who do you recommend I go with for car insurance? It's a 2002 Chevy Blazer.
So, I was visiting my friend at college and we were, as fate would have it, talking about Pokemon (the games, not the anime) and some girl down at...
http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Avatar:_Legend_of_Korra I came.
This is Berk By Tyloric Alpha read by Nenagh Breen Beta read by Megan Shehan Takes place a few months after the movie. I'll never refer to the...
Look at all the new people! HI EVERYONE!
Twas amazing. Anyone else?
I know it's not a multiplayer game, but who is getting it? I'm going to the midnight launch tomorrow. :X
------------------------------- [IMG] [IMG] A video, depicting an Xbox Live moderator (Gamertag: The Pro) banning an Xbox Live gamer during...
Title: Out of Toilet Paper Author: Tyloric Rating: G Genre: Humor Summary: The worst situation to be in. Notes: For Daniel J., for exactly the...
It's that time of year again! Nation Novel Writing Moth (NaNoWriMo) It happens every November (1st-30th) The goal? Do anything you have to hit...
See this movie. See it now. So great.
THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY TRUE! I SWEAR TO GOD! WARNING: This story is hilarious, but graphic. People who are easily squeamish probably shouldn't...
Thanks for the Flowers By Tyloric Story Lottery Prompt #20: A Bud Garrus actived his omnitool with practiced ease, clicking through...
He was scrounging, looking, trying to find something. He didn’t know what it was, but he would know it when he saw it. (Maybe? Hopefully?) He...
Prologue The night was young, the stars glistening in the sky like they have for countless ages. There was no moon on that night; it had chosen...
You can read my full review here.