Absolutely no disrepsect to Triggerpappy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4qmrZEF-rE&feature=channel_video_title I find these cheeky gits to...
I signed up on their website a long time ago, hopefully I get the sweet sweet SWEET beta invite e-mail.
Cox if you need someone to play with I'll play with ya.
Diamonds are easily farmed, and I've got like 30k =] Honestly just want them because they're cool little items to have. the lightning hand is a...
Two things. First people who really believed this, stop eating paint chips. Second, if it was real I'd buy it and dominate the white folk.
Beat the game yesterday, the town was pretty glitchy. Audio of zombies nom noming on nothing would stick after I killed them. Co-op like someone...
thank you Enigma for saying that, was reading some post and was like uhhhh...we not watching the whole thing? haha Any of you have any theory in...
Haha gotta be honest man I saw it and immediately said "gay". I was wrong looks fun as hell haha. Getting pretty sick of bad people in LoL haha
Zombie games are suppose to be pretty? =] Maybe you can give them some of that RAZZLE DAZZLE haha
oh mah gawd I can be a veteran?
Hey EniGmA1987, thank you for all your help once again making my life much easier haha
Hello everyone, thanks for taking a look into this thread, and the help you provide =]. My brother has just graduated high school and managed...
Doc, why do you like to hurt the children. =[
Sucks about your PS3 Areli, this is why I'm a PC man. =] Can't wait till something craps out on my brothers PS3, idiot leaves it running all night.
I'd figure most people has seen him =D just showing him to people who haven't he's pretty funny and some of his reviews are spot on what I think...
"Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks...
Thanks a ton, yea I saw noctua and had heard about it by a few people but wasn't sure if it was worth it to get it or not. Thanks for the tip...
So would it be a good decision to go down the water cooling route or is it really personal preference?
Hmm watercooling sounds iffy to me, I've never done it and it sounds really interesting, just a bit sketchy. Care to explain, I'd Wikipedia but...