Here's some in game shots from TERA I took (Sorry if the size breaks the forums and your PC's!!!): [img] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Wow pretty impressive stuff.
Nasty has a couple friends @ Blizzard. He always gets us early access to anything Blizzard. Both of them confirmed that it's under a VERY...
Newegg actually shipped me the replacement motherboard as soon as the revision was available and gave me a return shipping label to return the...
So very true. I was running Rift off of my SSD but was running into "Hitching" occasionally when I was logging combat (For parsing reasons) due...
I will likely be all over this once it gets closer to release. Right now I'm all about SWTOR! :)
Done and Done my friend! :)
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 42 (Yes I'm ancient) In-Game Name? Retsah Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your...
I'm dying to check this game out so if one of you get a beta invite and in turn get other invites to hand out, please hook a brotha up! I'll do...
Pretty impressive stuff right there!
Wiat.... There's a demo?
Jebus this game sounds amazing! Wizardry and Might & Magic were the first games to get me into Fantasy RPG's so I'll definitely have to check...
way to much fluff. No thanks.
Woot! I'm ready to rock!
Wow only 5 seeds. This is going to take forever!
Rubius are you actually comparing performance based on Planetside? If so yea you're not going to see much difference. I had an 8800 Ultra (Not...
I have the 24" version. Really nice monitor. Grats!
Grrrr... Looks like the 6950 Reference models with the Dual Bios are being Discontinued so no more flashing to 6970 :( If anyone stumbles...
For that price I'll definitely pick it up on PC. Looks fun.
I remember you! Welcome back!