In case anyone is interested here is a great interview that actually gave some new information and insight into the game.: [MEDIA]
Let's hope. I really hope Steven can slay some of these crazy ideas going around reddit and the forums about this possibly being a scam in some...
Ugh correction: They are freaking closed beta access keys not alpha. Phase 1 and that date is unknown. My bad
I really agree that is another thing that turned me off. Their packages, in my opinion, are more pay to win than Ashes. Acquiring King or Mayor...
Honestly Just love the idea behind the game. The node system, if they can pull it off, is extremely interesting. I feel they are extremely...
Well I backed the game up for 2,500.00. Kickstarter is up and running. They've reached 45% of their goal already.
Yeah, he and I are working on getting a time set up, we work opposite hours X.X They will actually be releasing a lot of information come May as...
Thank you for your application! I would like to talk to you in TeamSpeak about joining Xen Of Onslaught, but in the meantime feel free to go to...
Accepted and on probation. (I do not have permission yet can someone please move this to appropriate spot? Thanks )
@jangalangz there is a discord hyperlink next to the FAQ and Contact us slighty up in the middle.
This could be bad or good news? I am taking it as their subtle...
Thank you for your application! I would like to talk to you in TS about joining XoO, but in the meantime feel free to go to our official XoO... Kickstarter is 05/01/2017 As well as Node Series Part II... Here's a nice video talking about...
@@Cattitude : Divisional Leadership Excellence Medal - Nothing says leadership like a sassy gay man telling you to get your ass on his ping!...